Chapter 9: Using the QuickHorse "Builder" Feature - Building Your Own Handicapping Method

Builder - Definition - the process of creating "Columns", and using those "Columns" to produce a Handicapping Method.  A "Column" is one or more "steps" which involve using handicapping data along with calculations in order to produce a "score" for each horse in a race.  A column may include 1 step, or up to 100 steps.  After the user creates several "Columns", up to 8 of these "Columns" may then be used together to form a "Handicapping Method".  This Method can then be BACKTESTed and SUPERTUNed just like the "Standard Handicapping" Method.

The "Builder" is accessed from the Menu Bar while the user is viewing a Handicapped Race such as shown below in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 - The "Builder" Menu Bar Selections

The Builder System includes these two features:

1)    Column Builder - (Click Here)

2)    Method Builder - (Click Here)

To learn about each of these, simply click on it's link above.

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Copyright 2002 JONSOG associates, Inc. PO Box 911, Lyle, WA 98635  Last Updated on - 12/22/2003