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[Fire Shield]


Gathering With God's Friends

While it may be possible to have a bit of a fire that only smolders and smokes, most people want their campfire to blaze so that they can enjoy its heat and light in the cold night. Moreover, it is hard to do your cooking over a campfire that does not have a good flame. In a similiar manner, our relationship with God is not quite complete without some Fellowship with HIS People--others who have come to Believe in HIM. For, the relationship that they have, and the experiences they have gone through, will add considerable to your own Faith.


The Bible teaches us, that: "Do NOT forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as is the (corrupt) manner of some; But, (gather), exhorting (encouraging) one another--and so much the more as you see the Day (of Judgement) approaching!" (Hebrews 10:25). Thus, without question, it is God's wish that HIS People come together. Now, why should this be so? Well, the Holy Scriptures say: "Where two or three are gather in My (Jesus') Name, there I am in the midst of them!" (Matthew 18:20) So, if we gather together in HIS Name, then HE will Manifest HIS Presence to us (through the moving of the Holy Ghost). And, as HE Moves, we will experience HIM first-hand and learn of HIM, so that our relationship will deepen. And we will come to understand HIM much more.


The Group of Believers in God is refered to as a Spiritual Body. Thus, as a a Body needs all of its members in order to function properly, so too do we need all the other Believers in God in order that we may all work correctly for HIM (I Corinthians 12:12-27). Moreover, the Body is the vine by which we, as fruit, recieve our spiritual sustainance (John 15:1-8). Furthermore, the natural advantages of networking together ought to be obvious (Ecclesiastes 4:9). Which is why we rejoice in that song: BEHOLD HOW GOOD, AND HOW PLEASANT IT IS, FOR BRETHREN TO DWELL TOGETHER--IN UNITY! (Psalms 133:1). Consequently, should there be any question about how important it is for us to come together--in Fellowship?


Well, ideally, we should have constant Fellowship. But, you should, at least, gather with the other Believers on the Sabbath, for this is the sign of God's Covenant with HIS People (Exodus 31:12-17). Now, while some may like to assert that the Sabbath is on Saturday, we are told that Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:5) and that HE moved the gathering time to the First Day of the Week (Luke 24:1; John 20:19), which was taken up and followed by the Apostles (Acts 20:7; I Corinthians 16:1-2). Thus, Sunday or the New Sabbath has become the day when Believers gather.

Moreover, there are other Holy Days, when we should gather and celebrate as one Big Family (Leviticus 23:4-44; Deuteronomy 16:1-17). And a few that we may just decide to do, as an activity, all together. So, don't hold back. And don't get left out!


Unfortunately (and perhaps one of the most shocking revelations to new Believers), not everyone who claims to be a Christian is one! For all too many try to say Jesus is their Lord, only to cover up their wicked deeds (Matthew 7:21-23). And, the Apostles warn us: "Believe not every spirit (soul-person), but try the spirits to see whether they (really) are of God--because many false prophets are gone out into the world (I John 4:1). So, how are you going to recognize them? By their fruits or results (Matthew 7:15-20)! And some will be made plain by the teachings that they try to promote (Colossians 2:9, 18-19; I Thessalonians 4:3-8; II Thessalonians 2:1-12; II Timothy 2:18; I John 4:2-6). So, seek Fellowship--but be cautious!


The ZDK Foundation has been set up to organize and supervise good Fellowship Groups and Congregations. And, most obviously, that would be the best! But, unfortunately, as we are new and small (though growing), the odds are good that you will not find a Group affiliated with us to gather with. So, where else can you find good Fellowship. Well, first of all, seek out a good Pentecostal Church. (The Assemblies of God is a descent Pentecostal Group with Churches all over.) Or, a Full Gospel Congregation would be good. (Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International has Chapters in nearly every major city--even in some foreign countries.) A Charismatic Church might be all right (but, some don't tolerate speaking in tongues--approaching Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost). An Evangelical (Gospel Preaching) Church might do in a pinch (just watch what they say about the Holy Ghost--and don't stick around if they are against the Gifts). But, whatever you do, don't try to be a hermit in the Faith. Find other Believers to Fellowship with!


When we gather for the Sabbath, the Holy Scriptures set out a Litany or Order of Service. About half the Worship Service is to be in the Spirit--with music and allowing the Holy Ghost to Move. The other half is to be in Truth--or Studying the Scriptures (John 4:23-24). Moreover, about a quarter of the study time should be set aside for the members to confess their needs and to receive prayer for their problems and situations (Nehemiah 9:3; Isaiah 56:7; James 5:14-18). Moreover, whatever we do is to be done decently, and in order (I Corinthians 14:40).

Well, now, what simple practical steps can we now do to start Fellowship? Now is the time to begin a Home Study! How do you do that? It is easy.

First, just call a few friends or relatives, until you get at least 2 people to gather with you on whatever day you pick to do your Home Study on.

Then, follow the prescribed routine (Litany or Order of Service), that we have given you, below:

1. INVOCATION: Open with a Prayer asking God's Presence for the Study. (Ask in Jesus' Name.)

2. READ: Read a section of Scripture. Take turns reading so that the work of speaking the Scriptures is shared out with all who would like to read out loud. (Or, just read over one of the above lessons of the Revival Course. Look up the Scriptures that they list. And have volunteers read them.)

3. DISCUSSION: After the reading, go back and talk about what the Scriptures said. (It helps to read over the lesson beforehand, and have some questions of your own, ready to spark the discussion.)

4. PRAYER: Once discussion is over (or time runs out), let people make requests for prayer and then spend some time praying over what they have confessed as their needs.

5. REFRESHMENTS: Then, when everything is done, have some snacks or refreshments handy. And then spend some time just sitting around, eating and talking with those who came.

Really, you will be surprized at how simple, easy, and enjoyable it is! Try it and see. So, just don't sit there. Get up and go to the phone and start calling. Now!

[Fire Shield]


Every good outdoorsman knows that the safest way to have a campfire is to dig a firepit or at least ring the fire with some containment stones. In a similiar manner, every Society and Civilization has its rules and regulations--boundaries that its members are to stay within. Thus, God has some directives that we are to follow, lest our spiritual fire break forth and destroy everything that we had hoped for.

To get HOLINESS!!! (click here): [The FIREPIT - 
    Containment Stones]

[Herald Shield] NET FELLOWSHIP???

Isolated and lonely? Don't know of any Believers around you? OR, fed up with your local Religious Establishment, that won't minister to your spiritual needs? Then, try our Net Fellowship. It can provide you with some place to plug into the BODY! Look up our Realm Hearld (which is Our Fellowship Facilitator), or us the handy link, below:

To get REALM HERALD (click here): [Realm Herald]


Joining us? Didn't find what you wanted? Or, have a comment or suggestions? Well, if you really do need to reach us, use one of the normal means, below:

Realm Revival Course
ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation
P.O. Box 44
Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Phone: (509) 493-1674

And, E-Mail us at: zdkf@gorge.net (Please, mark subject box REVIVAL!)

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COPYRIGHT 1999 (Net) by Daniel Shaddox. All rights reserved.
Appiru. Astaria, Emuspatel, Gahtsk, KRY, KUFOL, Meshianites, Nartan, Nordanity, Nordesel, TAD, and ZDK are all trademarks of Daniel Shaddox.

Published by Lampstand Media
the media division of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation, P.O. Box 44, Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Or, E Mail us at: zdkf@gorge.net

Phone: (509) 493-1674

(NOTE: limited permission to duplicate this article is extended to ZDK members, for the expressed purpose of recruiting or teaching new members. Be sure your activities with it are properly registered with us!)

Dated: 5-25-99 . . . Updated 6-27-99