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[Nordesel Unity Shield]


The Northmen Movement Today - The Greater Israelite Return

HEY, WHAT TIME IS IT? And I don't mean look at your watch! Rather, do you have a clue as to what the Spiritual Times are? Is that important? YES!!! For, perhaps on of the saddest facts of all history is recorded in the Gospel of John:

HE (Y'Shua or Jesus) was in the World, and the World was made by HIM, yet the World knew HIM not! (Even worse) HE came unto HIS own (Jews), and HIS own received HIM not! (John 1:10-11)

For, this is a great paradox of history, that HIS own People, who ought to have known full well about HIM (for they had the Holy Scriptures that spoke of HIM), did not know that it was HIM, when HE had come in the flesh! How could they have missed it?

However, before we get too hard on them, let us compare our own time. When Jesus walked among them, the Religious Establishment of HIS day came to HIM and demanded that HE show them a sign in the sky to prove who HE was. Matthew records HIS answer this way:

HE answered and said unto them: When it is evening, you say that it will be fair weather (tonight) for the sky is red. And, then, in the morning, that it will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and lowering (with clouds). Oh you hypocrits! You can discern the face of the sky (for the weather); But can you not discern the signs of your own time? (Matthew 16:2-3)

For, the Religious Establishment of HIS own day had worked out their own pet theories of what they wanted done (and had ignored what God had told them HE was going to do). For, they wanted a POLITICAL Messiah, to deliver them from bondage to the Romans, even as Moses had done with the Egyptians. However, God was sending them a SPIRITUAL Messiah or Christ (the Chief of all High-Priests), to make atonement, permenantly, for ALL of their sins, delivering them from bondage to the Devil (and punishment in Hell after death). But, the work that Christ did was not what the Religious Establishment wanted, so they rejected it!

Are we really any different in our Age?

There are many crazes sweeping through the churches these days. One is asserting this. The other, that. But, have any of them ever discussed the MAJOR sign of Our Times? Truly, we are getting good at weather forcasting. And we are very good at predicting what we want to happen. But, has anyone told you what God is doing today? Probably not, for the Religious Establishment of today is concerned, as always, with what IT wants to have happen, rather than what God is really doing. For, as it was back then, in those Days, so it still is now.

[Fig Tree Shield]


(The Jesus Freak Movement's Message!)

So, what is God doing in Our Times? The answer lies in the Scriptures:

...And Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the Time of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (Luke 21:24).

Now in the Six Day War of 1967, the Jews recaptured Jerusalem and liberated it from Gentile control. Thus, by this MAJOR sign, God has declared that the Times of the Gentile Churches has come to an end (Romans 11:25). The Isrealite Return (and Revival of ALL the Tribes) has come! (And the Messianic Movement has already begun.)

Therefore, we are nolonger under the Dispensation of the Gentile Churche's Age of Grace! Rather, we are entering the New Dispensation of the rising Messianic Kingdom! (See Astaria--the Northmen Movement Tomorrow.)

Now is this the only Sign of this? No! If you have been keeping track of the Levitical Calendar, and noting its Spiritual Times, as well as its annual seasons, then you will realize that we have just been through the Spiritual Times of the Feast of Weeks. (For details, see Our Article on Keeping the Calendar in EMUSPATEL.) This set of seven weeks corresponds with the Seven Church Ages, given in the Holy Scriptures (Revelations 2:1-3:22). And, a close analysis of them will show that we have gone through all 7 and are now in the so called Laodicean Age, the Time when God will spue them out of HIS mouth! For, the Time for God's favor upon the Gentile churches is past. (And, indeed, this was the Main Message of the Jesus Freak Movement of the early 1970s--follwing on the heals of the Jews recapturing Jerusalem.)

In addition, the Levitical Calendar shows that after the Seven Weeks, there is Pentecost. And, if you check out the Holy Scriptures, you find that there are 3 major events that happened on this day: 1-the Ten Commandments and the Laws of God were given to the People, 2-the Tribes of Israel were formed into the Nation of Israel after the Exodus from Egypt, 3-the Holy Ghost was given in an Outpouring upon the early Believers. Now, what have been the 3 Main Religious Movements of Our Century? 1-the Holiness Movement (bringing the Laws of God to the People for them to follow), 2-the Zionist Movement (resulting in the formation of the Jewish State in the Holy Land in 1948 A.D.), 3-the Pentecostal Movement (spreading a new wave of the Outpouring of the Holy Ghost). (As we discussed, in the last Article on Our Roots.) Truly, we are at Pentecost, in the Spiritual Seasons of God's Calendar!

Thus, there should be no question as to the Times that we are living in! The Times of the Gentile Churches (and their Dispensation) has come to an end. But, then, what is to take their place in God's favor? (The rising Messianic Kingdom, of course!) So, let's see.

[ZDK Menorah Shield]

THE JEWISH ShuVaH (Return) - The Messianic Movement

In Our Days, God's favor is changing. In Days before the Messiah, God use to look with favor upon the Synagogue (for there HIS Faithful followers would gather). But, after the Ascension of Christ (and the begining of the Middle Ages), God's favor fell upon the Gentile Churches (though HE did not totally forget the Synagogue). However, today, as we have seen above, HIS favor is departing from the Gentile Churches. Instead, the Holy Scriptures have this to declare of HIS Will for Our Days:

Thou (God) shall arise and have mercy upon Zion (Jews - Israelites), for the Time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come! (Psalms 102:13)

Correspondingly, on the heels of the Jesus Freak Movement has come the Messianic Movement (of Jewish-Christians). And, not since the days of the Apsotles have so many Jews been swept into the Belief that Jesus or Y'Shua was, indeed, their Messiah! This is referred to as the ShuVaH (Hebrew) or simply as THE RETURN. And, by the way that the movement is spreading, there should be little doubt that God's favor is, indeed, returning to the Jews (Zechariah 8:23). And God's favor and blessings are being poured out upon the Holy People of Israel (Hosea 14:4-7)! For, it is God's Time to favor her.

[Messianic Flag]


For the last several centuries, the Gentile Churches have been claiming that they are Israel. (This is known as Replacement Theology.) However, in light of what God is doing among the Jews today (and HIS proclaimed abondonment of the Churches for Israel), no one can seriously believe this concept, any more.

However, now that the Jews are undergoing Revival and Returning to God in the ShuVaH, they are claiming that they are the ONLY true Israel. Consequently, it is beginning to be taught by in the Messianic Movement that ONLY Jews can participate in the ShuVaH or RETURN. Thus, as in the days of the Apostles, when Judaizers went out, claiming that Gentiles could not participate in the Salvation or Atonement of the Cross, God revealed to Peter the error of that thinking (Acts 10:9-35), and called Paul to Preach the Cross to the Gentiles. Yet, despite these obvious Scriptural teachings, many are trying to teach that the those of the Messianic Movement MUST become more Jewish than the normal Jews, in order to be acceptable!

Thus, at a time when God's favor is departing from the Gentile churches, many Gentiles (or even Jews that are not Jewish enough) are being shut out of the ShuVaH! And Jewish ethnocentrism is raising its ugly head as a block to the spread of THE GREATER ISRAELITE RETURN. So, the question becomes: Are the Gentiles included in the ShuVaH?

[Nordic Peoples Shield]


This question is almost laughable! For, the Holy Scriptures are so full of examples of God's kindness upon the Gentiles and HIS desire to see them brought into HIS Kingdom, that we simply could not list them all here! God is a God of ALL Peoples!!! But, for arguements sake, let us turn to a few. God describes the Gentiles coming back to HIM in THE RETURN of the Tribes (Isaiah 60:3-11). And God says that HE will reveal HIMSELF to the Gentiles in THE RETURN (Jeremiah 16:19-21). Moreover, Y'Shua or Jesus tells us that Believing Gentiles will come and join the Believing Jews in the rising Messianic Kingdom (Matthew 8:10-12). Thus, no one should seriously doubt Gentile participation in the ShuVaH or GREATER ISRAELITE RETURN.

[KoReY Futuristic Shield]

THE RETURN OF ALL TRIBES - The Full Israelite Return

A major part of the Messianic Movement's error in excluding Gentiles comes from a misunderstnding of the SCOPE of the RETURN. Too many of the Messianic Movement seem to feel that ONLY the Tribe of Judah (Jews) will be RETURNED to God in the ShuVaH. Well, what of the other Tribes are there? Oh, yes, the others are all LOST! Or, are they?

God foretells that mutiple Tribes of Israel will return in the ShuVaH, bringing with them many Gentiles (Isaiah 63:16-17). Moreover, both Israel (the 10 Lost Tribes) and Judah (the Jews) are to be called back to God in the RETURN (Jeremiah 3:18 and 22 and Hosea 1:10-11). And, that the divison between Judah (Jews) and Israel (Lost 10 Tribes) will cease in the RETURN (Ezekiel 37:15-22). And the split between the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah will end! Thus, not only are ALL the Tribes to be restored (NOT just Judah or the Jews), but as they RETURN to God, they will bring an abundance of Gentiles with them, especially from among the Nordic Peoples or Northern Nations! (What could be plainer?)

But why should this be so?

[Messianic (Judah) Flag] [Scandia (Nordic) Faith 


Southern Kingdom (Judah) and Northern Kingdom (Nordics)

Perhaps a large part of the confusion here stems from a misunderstanding about the Division of the Kingdom of Ancient Israel. For, under Saul, David, and Solomon, there was a United Monarchy--and Israel was all ONE united Nation.

Now, as in all issues and controversies, it is good to turn back to the Holy Scriptures, and see what God has to say about the subject. There, we find that in the reign of Rehoboam, King Solomon's son, that the United Monarchy was split into two: the NORTHERN Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (I Kings 12:18-20). Now, the modern Jews are descended from the Southern Kindgom of Judah, and while a part of Israel, they might be more accurately described as Judea (those of the Tribe of Judah). And as such, they are still around with us today, as a Peoples or a distinctive ethnic group.

So, what happened to the Northern Kingdom of Israel? Well, they were all supposedly Lost! Or, are they?

[NORDESEL Unity Shield]


As we have traced earlier (in our Article on NORTHMEN Antiquities.), while the 10 Tribes of Israel are suppose to be Lost, there are dim records and scrapes of traces in history that give a fair indication of what happened to most of them. As we just said above, the NORTHERN Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians (II Kings 15:29), and the masses of the Israelites were hauled off as slaves to the area around Ninevah (II Kings 17:6). There, they were inter-mingled with the Descendants of Keturah, Abraham's concubine (Genesis 25:1-6 and I Chronicles 1:32-33), where they formed into a New Peoples, the GahTSK or Northern Peoples of God (Goths). And from there, they then migrated Northward, up the Rivers of Russia and Eastern Europe to settle in the Baltic Region and Scandinavia, as the various branches of the Goths (or Svear), by Classical Times. There, in the Dark Ages, they became the Northmen, Norsemen, Vikings, or Varangians, and spread out over Feudal Europe--and then the World!

Thus, it should be clear that MOST of the Tribes of Israel are NOT totally lost! Rather, the Nordic Peoples (or Northern Nations) seem to be the MAIN branch (not the ONLY branch) of the Descendants of the Northern Kingdom of Israel! (This concept is refered to as Nordanity: the belief in a Nordic or NORTHMEN Israel.)

Unfortunately, there are several Cults out there, who hold to something of this concept. Either that, or they just simply claim to be the ONLY true Jews (the rest are supposedly demonic fakes), and thus the ONLY true spiritual Israel. However, these tend to be anti-Semitic, if not out right White Supremists or Neo-Nazi (in an extreme form of Replacement Theology)!

[Abrahamic Faith Shield]


However, Our Realm does not subscribe to their views! While we very firmly hold to Nordanity, we do NOT assert that we are the ONLY Israel. While the Nordic Peoples (or Northern Nations) are the MAIN branch of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, quite plainly, the Jews (as Judah) are also a Tribe of Israel (as are the Arabs or Muslim, through Ishmael). Therefore, we need to work together, in the Varangian (Russian Viking) atmosphere of mutual help and co-operation, as brothers in the Faith, and as a members of the Isrealite RETURN (Isaiah 19:24-25): Jews, Christians, and Arabs (Muslims).

Consequently, we encourage Jews to join Our Realm as members of the Tribe of Judah (retaining their Jewishness, rather than being stripped of it). And, in turn, for the Gentiles to come back into the other Tribes of Israel (recognizing their Hebrew Heritage), that we may all be ONE! Here, among us, Jews should work together with Christians in restoring Our Mediavel World (Our Judeo-Christian Heritage, composed of both Jewish (or Hebrew) and Christian History and Culture). Thus, Gentile Christians should learn to be appreciative of the rich Hebrew Heritage from which they sprung! (And, we will even include the Arabs, as our brothers in Abraham, through Ishmael, in our Realm, for their own place.) Thus, by Unity of the Faithful, Jews and Christians (and Arabs--Muslims) working together, the Isrealite RETURN will come to pass.

[Enlightenment Shield]


Now, with all of this as background, hopefully it will be easier for you to grasp our Calling. For, we heed the cry of God's heart for today, for the Isrealite Return! And work according to God's Plan for a Nordic Return in Our Days--the Northmen Movement (Nordesel). For this is what the Scriptues say (Jeremiah 16:14-15 which was also discussed in the previous Article, on Our Roots. Moreover, it is also basically repeated again in Jeremiah 23:7-8).

However, these are not the Only Scriptures. For God more than clearly reveals HIS Plan in HIS Word. The Nordic RETURN is discussed in Jeremiah 16:14-15, 23:7-8, 31:7-9, 50:41; Zechariah 2:6, 11. The Regathering of Nordic Families (Clans, Tribes) to God is mentioned in Jeremiah 1:15. The Nordic Revival or Outpouring of God's Spirit is promised in Jeremiah 47:2 and Ezekial 20:47-48. The Rising of a New God-fearing Nordic Nation (Astaria or KoReY) is foretold in Jeremiah 6:22, 13:20, 50:9, 50:41 and Zechariah 6:1-15. The Unity of the Jews (and the Southern Kingdom of Judah) with the Israelites (and the Nordic or Northern Kingdom of Israel) is given in Jeremiah 50:2-4, not to mention the Unity of Jews with the Nordic Assyrians and even the Ishmaelites or Arabs (Isaiah 19:23-25). And the rise of a Nordic High-King over all the Northern Nations (Astaria) is foretold in Isaiah 41:25 and Zechariah 6:8-15. So, as you can see, God has set forth quite an extensive Plan for the Greater Israelite RETURN--and a Plan including the Nordic Return of the Northern Peoples or Nations!

So, don't play deaf. Open your ears. And hear the cry of God's Heart for the Northern Nations, today!



Our Nordic Meshianites (Christian-Hebrews)

Now, obviously, the Northmen Movement (and the NORDESEL) is quite extensive and complex (and you need to read more about it)!

However, we can summarize its main focus into basically 3 simple, goals:

  1. To bring the Messianic Movement and the RETURN or ShuVaH to the Nordics or Northern Peoples (calling the Northern Kingdom of Israel back to God).
  2. To spread the Full Gospel and the Pentecostal Movement (with its Charismatic Gifts) among the Northern Peoples (encouraging Jews, Christians, and Muslims to enter HIS Spirit).
  3. To restore the Mediavel World and the Divine Culture of the Nordic GahTSK or Goths (and their Judeo-Christian Heritage) among the whole World (and beyond)--especially God's Law (the 10 Commandments).

These goals are not grevious nor outlandish. And we hope that you will join us, and become a NaRTaN or Nartan, a Northman of the NORDESEL (the modern Northern Peoples of God). And we tend to use the term Meshianite to describe us. For Messianics tend to see themselves as Jewish FIRST and Christians second, whereas we see ourselves as Christians FIRST and as Hebrews (and Nordics) second. And, it is a distinction that produces many notable differences!

Now, truly, the Nordic Return is the Move of God for Our Times! Don't miss out on it. RETURN with the other Northern Peoples to God!

Heed the cry of God's heart for the Northern Nations, today!

Now that you basically know what we are all about, it is time to seriously consider what you should do. Quite obviously, we wish you to come with us back to God. But, that is a decision that you will have to make, on your own. All we can do is point the way.

So, how do I get back to God? How do I RETURN? It is easy! Just repeat the following prayer, aloud (so that God will know that you agree with it). It forms a kind of Covenant, that you will RETURN to God and HIS Ways, so that HE will RETURN to you and your life. As such, it is a kind of Mediavel Social Contract or homage to God, with you as HIS vassal.

  1. Father God, I admit to YOU that I have sinned, and done wrong in YOUR eyes, so that I am worthy of Death and Punishment (in Hell).
  2. But, I plead with YOU to be merciful to me, and forgive me of my sins, because of YOUR Son (Jesus), who died on the Cross, shedding HIS Blood to atone or pay for my sins (as my death by proxy).
  3. I now renounce the Devil, the Norse gods, and all of their wicked ways and in the Name of Jesus I command all the forces of evil to be gone from my life, now and forever!
  4. Instead, Heavenly Father, I ask YOU to send YOUR Holy Ghost into my heart and life: leading me, teaching me, and protecting me (and Manifesting YOUR Presence and Power).

If you have just said that above prayer, then you are now RETURNING to God! (Or as some may say: BORN AGAIN or SAVED.) And, with the other Northern Peoples of God, you are making your way back to HIM.

However, this is not an end, but a beginning. For, to fully RETURN to God (and attain Heaven) is often a lenghty process. One that you need help for. And, that is what we are here for, to help you on your way back to God. So, make use of our materials and services. We are here to assist you. But, only if you ask!

So, be sure to contact us--especially if you have just been RENEWED by the above prayer!!! You can reach us at:

Nordic Return
ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation
P.O, Box 44
Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Phone: (509) 493-1674

E-Mail us at: zdkf@gorge.net (Mark subject box NORDIC RETURN!)

If you are like me, you are slow and cautious. And you like to have all the facts to think on for awhile, before you make up your mind. So, go ahead. Read the rest of Our NORTHMEN Intermediate Articles, to get to know us better. (For your convience, they are housed here in the NORTHMEN Section of Our Web Site.) And give some serious thought about what we are saying here. Then, when you are ready to make up your mind, let us know. (Just don't wait too long.)

But, whatever you do, do not ignore the cry of God's heart for the Northern Nations to come back to HIM. RETURN, Oh Israel! Come back to God, today!



Get the next Article in in series on Our Future Realm of Astaria!
To get NORDIC ASTARIA - KoReY (Click Here): [Nordic Astaria - Northmen Future (KoReY)]

[Viking Shield]


We have a series of simple articles. They are short and to the point. Perhaps you will find them more to your taste? Check them out.
To get Our Quick VIKING RETURN (Click Here): [Q-VIKING]


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COPYRIGHT 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (Net) by Daniel Shaddox. All rights reserved.
Appiru, Astaria, Emuspatel, Gahtsk, K.R.Y. or KoReY, KUFOL, Meshianites, Nartan, Nordanity, Nordesel, TAD, and ZDK are all trademarks of Daniel Shaddox.

Appiru Shield, Enlighment Book, KRY Star, Messianic Star, the Nordic Shield, the Revival Flame, Scandinavian Shield, Viking Shield, and the ZDK Shield are all also copyrighted logos of Daniel Shaddox.

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The Media Division of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation, P.O. Box 44, Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Phone: (509) 493-1674

E Mail us at: zdkf@gorge.net

Filed: Mar '97 . . . Updated 03-24-00