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The Third Commandment and Related Scriptures

God has set forth HIS Laws in the Holy Scriptures for ALL Mankind to know--and obey (Proverbs 14:34 and Isaiah 60:12)!

3rd Commandment:


(Exodus 20:7 - Deuteronomy 5:11)...
One of the major morals and ethics of Hebrew Culture has been the keeping of God's NAME or Hah-SheM Sacred! (In fact, many of the Jews even refuse to speak the Holy Name of God, the tetragramaton: YHVH or I-AM, in Public!) Consequently, we also need to have Respect and Reverance for God's Name(s), and be sure that we use them properly (and not vainly)!


belitting, defaming, denigrating, cursing, or in some way speaking evil of God--is abundantly forbidden in the Holy Scriptures (Leviticus 24:10-16; Psalms 74:18; Isaiah 52:5, 65:7; Romans 2:24)! And is to be considered a Major Crime in Our Realm! Its various forms are:
calling God evil or attempting to deny any of the good that HE does (Leviticus 24:11; II chronicles 32:14-21; Daniel 7:25; Acts 13:45, 18:5-6; Romans 2:24; Colossians 3:8; I Timothy 1:20; Revelations 16:11).

giving a creature (or something God has created) the full Powers or complete Attributes of God--this was the gross sin that the Jewish Leaders attempted to accuse and condemn Y'Shua (or Jesus) of (Mark 14:61-64 also Matthew 26:65; Luke 5:21; John 10:36; I Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelations 13:1), though in HIS case it really was true, that HE was God.

great care needs to be exercized here, for this is the ONLY UNFORGIVABLE SIN!!! (Matthew 12:31-32; Mark 3:28-30; Luke 12:10)

..4 APOSTACY: the renounciation of Christ or denial of HIM after having received HIM and having been a Believer--the Falling Away From the Faith (II Thessalonians 2:3; II Timothy 2:12; Revelations 2:13). However, if sought by the individual, forgiveness of this is to be freely given, as it was in the case of the Apostle Peter--especially if it was brought forth under duress or torture (Matthew 10:33, 26:70, 72, 74; Mark 41:68-69, 71).


To protect their sacredness, God's Name(s) and title(s) are to be considered legally protected words, as if a logo or trademark, and their use may not be allowed, without proper authorization, for it is written: BUT BE YE (you) NOT CALLED RABBONI (Supreme Divine Teacher or Instructor), FOR ONLY ONE IS YOUR (Educational) MASTER (Supreme Divine Guide), EVEN CHRIST--AND ALL YE (you) ARE BUT BRETHREN. AND CALL NO MAN (Heavenly) FATHER UPON THE EARTH, FOR ONLY ONE IS YOUR FATHER (Creator or Divine Maker), WHICH IS IN HEAVEN. NEITHER BE YE CALL (Divine or Supreme) MASTER, FOR ONLY ONE IS YOUR MASTER (Divine Owner or Supreme Owner), EVEN CHRIST! (Matthew 23:8-10)
as God's Name(s) and Title(s) are protected words, they may not be used in Claims of Agency by commoners, but are reserved for use by those HE has sent in HIS Name OR those deemed worthy enough through ordination by the Congregations (Matthew 24:23-24; Mark 13:5-6; Luke 21:8; Acts 13:2-4)

hence, all those wishing to be a Spokesman (Preacher, Teacher, Priest, Pastor, Prophet) of God for Our Realm and Congregations are REQUIRED to pass an exaimination in the Faith to show that they are, indeed, capable of speaking for HIM (Deuteronomy 18:20, 13:1-5; Jeremiah 23:21, 32, 29:8-9).

in addition, once KoReY or Astaria is developed, an Investigative Council is to be formed and empowered to monitor and enforce these Statutes on God's Sacred Name(s)--much in the same way that the Inquisition deals with idolatry--to insure that God's Name(s) is not abused!

.C HERESIES (and Teachings Purity):

There are a great variety of Beliefs out there, and no few herises, either! Yet, most heresies form around one basic action: CLAIMING GOD SAID SOMETHING THAT HE DID NOT (thus, using HIS Name in vain)! In some cases, this may be just blatant false-prophecy (and intentional deception), while in others in may just be a confused mental state where the person may think that it looks like God implied something, which, in fact, HE really did not.
..1 DEGREES OF HERESY: Consequently, there are levels of heresy set forth in the Scriptures, with appropriate action specified for each...

..2 COMMON HERESIES (to be avoided): Unfortunatley, the Lessons of History show all too clearly that Man does not learn from History! However, the following historical heresies are reviewed in the hopes that some out there will heed the warnings of what went wrong before--AND AVOID THEM TODAY!!!

a-Phariseeism (man-made legalism: non-Scriptural morality),
b-Saduceeism (worldliness, materialism, reason only),
c-Ebionism (Messiah only a man: not Son-Of-God),
d-Docetistic Illusion (Christ only a spirit: not flesh and bones, too),
e-Arianism (no Trinity or Three-In-Oneness),
f-Gnosticism (special, secret knowledge REQUIRED for salvation),
g-Dualism (everything of spirits good but all physical things, bad),
h-Magna Mater--Great Earth Mother (worship of womanhood, matriarchy--Mariotry),
i-Nicolaitans (worship of Ascended Masters),
j-Simony (purchase of Holy Offices: rather than by God's Holy Calling),
k-Indulgences (purchase of salvation),
l-Syncretism (mixing Holy Teachings with the myths and superstitions of local Peoples--veiled Paganism).

Thus, as you can see from the review of the top dozen heresies, many of them are still popular today--claiming, in God's Holy Name, that HE said (or taught) things that HE never intended!

In Our Spiritual Realm, it is extremely important that those Congregations of Our Network remain pure of these heresies!

And in Our Nation, that the acceptable denominaions avoid these common heresies, too! (However, National purity is also tempered with the Right to Dissent and Disagree, as well as the Right to Intellectual Freedom.)


While Oaths are required in Legal Matters and for acceptance of the Charge of Office (etc.), the Jews, unfortunatley, took to swearing common oaths, using God to certify what they said (attempting to make HIM their puppet or servant, backing up their mere opinions)--a blasphemous as well as an idolatrous practice.
..1 NO COMMON OR VULGAR OATHS to be allowed, for they border on idolaty or other evil (Exodus 23:13; Matthew 5:33-37; James 5:12)

..2 OATHS OF PERJURY ALLOWED, where the individual certifies or swears as to the Truthfulness of their statements before the government or to the Courts (Exodus 22:11; I Kings 22:16; Matthew 26:63-64). Moreover, those who take such an Oath should be fully aware of the Curse that they will take to themselves if they lie in God's Name (Psalms 15:4; Zechariah 5:1-4, 8:17)!!!

..3 OATHS OR CHARGES OF OFFICE are directed to be given, with a Priest officiating (I Kings 2:42-44; II Chronicles 36:15; Ecclesiastes 8:2).

..4 OATHS OF PARDON, granting forgiveness in God's Name, to a wrongdoer are admonished (II Samuel 21:7; Matthew 6:14-15, 18:23-35; John 20:23;) See also Throne Pardon.

..5 OATHS AS COVENANTS OR VOWS ACCEPTABLE: for life revolves around sacred agreements or holy contracts that are made binding by our pledges or vows (promises), in God's Name. (Genesis 28:20-22; Numbers 21:2-3, 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:21; Judges 11:30-40; I Samuel 1:11, 18-19, 24-28; Job 22:27; Psalms 50:14, 76:11; Ecclesiastes 5:4; Acts 18:18, 21:20-24)

A Variety of such Oaths are found in the Scriptures. a-GOD'S OATHS (covenants--vows) TO MANKIND (Genesis 9:8-17, 17:1-9; Exodus 6:2-8; Numbers 18:18-19, 25:10-13; Acts 16:30-31; Hebrews 6:13-18, 13:20). b-MAN'S OATHS (covenants--vows) TO GOD (Genesis 28:20-22; Exodus 24:7-8; Numbers 21:2-3; Romans 10:8-13). c-MAN'S OATHS (covenants) TO FELLOW MAN by vows to God (Genesis 21:27-32; I Samuel 18:3-4; II Samuel 9:1-13). d-MAN'S OATHS (covenants) WITH WOMAN by vows to God (Malachi 2:14).

..6 OTHER GODS (false gods): No oaths are to be allowed at all in the name of some other god or evil spirit!!! (Exodus 23:32, 34:15-16) Neither is anyone to be allowed to speak or prophesy in the name of any false god or evil spirit (Exodus 23:13)!


Throughout the Scriptures, it has been taught that Man needs to exercize self-discipline and control his mouth!

And, while common cussing or vulgarities (or railings or swearing) are bad enough (and to be held immoral and avoided), it is completely intollerable (and a Crime) to allow such swearing to include the Name(s) of God or Christ--for this is clearly Blasphemy, and a far worse Sin or Crime!!! (I Samuel 3:19; Proverbs 124:29, 15:23, 25:11-13; Ecclesiastes 3:7; Matthew 5:22, 12:36; James 1:19, 3:3-13).

However, this also needs to be balanced with reason, and there is no need to make a few dirty (or unseemly) words a bigger issue than they really deserve--provided that Blasphemy is not involved.


Well, Our LAW TABLE Article is just for you! It gives you the plain and simple facts on God's Law, in a brief, easy summary form. To get Our shorter, easier DECALOGUE - 10 COMMANDMENTS Article, look it up in the LAW Directory, or use the handy link below:

To get LAW TABLE (Click Here--on caps)!


Yes! Whatever you do, don't stop here. There is more to learn, and to grow into for Our Spiritual Realm--and become a good Citizen of God's World!

To get the next Article in this series on the 4th Commandment, with its directives on the Sabbath and celebrating the Holy Days and Festivals, use the link, below:

To get 4th COMMANDMENT Article (Click Here--on caps)!


Well, our United Law Collection will help you find one that is just right for you! It gives you a list of various Summaries of God's Laws that we have in Our Web Site. Most of these are written for differing Cultures and Heritage settings--some of which may be easier for you to relate to. So, to get Our United Law Collection, look it up in the Revival Chapel, or use the handy link below:

To get UNITED LAW DIRECTORY (Click Here--on caps)!


Take a look at Our Article on Our Divine Law Library. You can find it listed in the Law Directory, or use the handy link, below:

To get ABOUT THE LAW LIBARY (Click Here-on caps)!

Or, try some of the Introductory Literature in Our various Cultural Houses. These can be reached from the LAW DIRECTORY PAGE, or contact us by some of the normal means, below:

Divine Law Library
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Filed: 6-9-98 . . . Updated 12-11-00