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KoReY Interstellar Society - Our Introductory Literature

[K.R.Y. Interstellar Shield] [Futuristic Literature Shield]


FUTURE STUDIES for Our Space Society...

Our Judeo-Christian Philosophy reviews Israel Prophecies showing Coming Apocalypse, forcing Stellar Migration, and future Star Realm

Tomorrow's Future is already here, today--for us. Unfortunately, as Future Studies often show, the tendency of most people is to be dragged into the Future while looking back at the Past. But, here, we are going to look straight in the Face of the Future and open our eyes to see all that is set before us to know: Coming Apacolypse, Stellar Migration, future Star Realm--and all found in the Scriptures on Israel Prophecies! Here are the Judeo-Christian Philosophies of Our Space Society:

[K.R.Y. Interstellar Flag]

KoReY Intro. Lit.

KoReY or K.R.Y. (Our Space Society) has many Introductory Articles and Literature to help you deal with the Judeo-Christian Philosophies of the Coming Solar System Apacolypse, the resultant Stellar Migration of Mankind, and the rise of a futre Star Realm--and all from Biblical Israel Prophecies found in the Holy Scriptures (and other enlightening, and perhaps shocking, things of Future Studies. To access these, click on the Links below (or click on the round SHIELDS at the top or bottom of the Page--Navigation Bar):

[Revival Flame Shield] 1. KoReY REVIVAL -- Articles on the Interstellar RETURN (Getting your personal Renewal to God!) The terms, processes, and theology of Our Great Interstellar Revival Movement or F.A.R. (Judeo-Christian Philosphies in a nutshell!) Directory and links to other Articles!

[ZDK Sun Shield] 2. COMING COSMIC CATACLYSM -- Our Dependable Sun - Soon to Go Nova??? (Rising tide of disturbing evidence, both scientific and theological, that warns of the soon coming apocalypse and destruction of our world-- Planet Earth!) The motivation of Our Coming Stellar Migration! (Apocalypse Now?)

[KoReY Interstellar Colony Shield] 3. EXODUS OF THE EARTH -- The coming solar system apocolypse and Our dramatic evacuation of Planet Earth (Our coming new home--out among the Stars) The Call to all Believers in the One True God, to know God's Will for Our Times and to pack up and head out for Our Future Star Realm! ***

[AstrilanZ Galatic Shield] 4. NEW MANIFEST DESTINY -- The Coming Stellar Migration of the Faithful (History's track of Mankind shows a clear path for Our Future--to the Stars) Yes, it is God's EXPRESSED Will for us to go and settle there! (The Biblical, Israel Prophecies say so.) Take a good look! (Future Political Thought?)

[Future Age Religion Shield] 5. GREAT STELLAR REFORMATION -- The Spread of Our Religious Reformation Movement among the Stars (the Coming Interstellar Revival) The scope and impact of KoReY Religion! (The Judeo-Christian Philosophies of Space that are likely to help produced the Stellar Migration of the Faithful) The Israelite RETURN out among the Stars.

[Fig Tree (Prosperity) Shield] 6. THE ERA OF REST -- The Coming Rise of Automation and Robotics that will transform the Work World for the Interstellar worker (Our coming Information Age Economy) The scope and impact of ZDK Technologies on KoReY Economics! (Future work according to the Israel Prophecies)

[K.R.Y. Interstellar Shield] 7. NEW NATION UNDER GOD -- The Rise of ASTARIA, the end result of Our Nordic (or Viking) K.R.Y or KoReY activities--to establish a Northern Kingdom of Israel in Space (and the Israel Prophecies of an Interstellar Realm for Believers). Our Political Science of the Future Astarian Nation! (The governmental network arising Our Space Settlement efforts of the Coming Stellar Migration)

[KoReY Heritage Worlds Shield] 8. KoReY HERITAGE WORLDS -- The historical sources of Our Space Society's Divine Culture (with its emphasis on Judeo-Christian norms and values) The rising KoReY Culture and Our Inter-cultural Ministries (and where you might fit in)!

[Information Age (Sun) Shield] 9. GLOBAL WARMING -- The disturbing picture that our Sun may be heating up (on its way to Nova?) the Cephides Varibles Star option to the growing crisis (and the historical record of the Sun's instability) Nova Crisis growing? [Transfer to Nova Crisis Literature]

[Realm News (Announcements) Shield] 10. SPACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM -- Our Solar System Assessment of the New Space Exploration Plan, being put forth by government sources, for the further discovery and settlement of the other planets in our own solar system. (Well, it is about time! Or, is it too little and too late?)

[Abrahamic Faith Shield] 11. ABOUT KoReY -- A brief, simple overview of what K.R.Y. is all about (Meet KoReY); Get a glimpse of Our Future ASTARIA!

[ZDK Institute Shield] 12. ZDK INSTITUTE -- Our Science, Engineering, and Technologies Center for KoReY Programs and Interstellar Innovations (use Institute Library entrance for now) Transfer to ZDK.I with Directroy and Links to other Articles


Well, as we are new, and unique, many people do have a bit of trouble understanding us.

If that is you, then try Our FAQS (answers to Frequently Asked Questions), below:

K.R.Y. FAQS -- Answers to the common questions asked about US (and Our Realm)

[K.R.Y. Interstellar Flag]

Further Contacts with K.R.Y.:


Or, can't find what you are looking for? OR, have a comment or suggestion? Then try the contact routes below:

E-MAIL us at: zdkf@gorge.net (Mark subject box KoReY Lit.!)

Our regular mailing address is:

KoReY Intro. Lit.
ZDK (Shaddox) Conflux
P.O. Box 44
Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Our phone number is: (509) 493-1674


Use of KoReY or K.R.Y. Articles (or other Literature from this Site) is RESTRICTED. If you would like to use it in your Home Study (or Congregational Courses) or hand it out on the street in your witnessing, be sure to contact us BEFORE you do so. Authorization may be given for you to use it. But, it must not be assumed that it is free and clear for you to use in any way you chose. Note the copyright message, below.

[Fruit Shield]


Would you even just think about contributing, something, to Our Cause? (Even modest donations are appreciated!) Then, please consult Our Page on Giving: ZDK DONATIONS.

And, could you possibly volunteer some time?

Well, yes, we do live in a supernatural world. And the blessing that come from giving are no accident! To better understand this amazing process, consult Our Article on the MYSTERIES OF GIVING.

Thank you for your kind-hearted generousity!

[ZDK Foundation (Sun) Shield]


Is There a Super-Nova Disaster Brewing???

Well, take a serious look at all the data, facts, and educated guesses as to what this growing situation is likely to turn into.

Check them out at Our KoReY Nova Crisis Section (K.N.C. or knock)!

And please, do so with discretion and restraint--DON'T PANIC!!! (Programs and Plans at KoReY are coming into place to deal with it.)

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COPYRIGHT 1999, 2000, 2001 (Net) by Daniel Shaddox. All rights reserved.

TRADNAMES: Appiru, Astaria, AhQo, D'Stridium, D'Stronics, Emuspatel, F.A.R., Gahtsk, Jelonics, K.R.Y. or KoReY, KUFOL, Meshianites, Nartan, Nordanity, Nordesel, TAD, TDPT, Variant Math, and ZDK are all trademarks of Daniel Shaddox.

SHIELDS: all heraldric shields (buttons), graphics, and artworks in this Web Site are ALL copyrighted logos of Daniel Shaddox.

None of these (nor any Articles from this Web Site) may be reproduced nor duplicated without written permission, except as downloads for your own individual (personal) reading OR as recognized agents of ZDK (be sure your activities with others using our materials are properly registered with us!).

Most materials filed in this Web are G (for General Audiances). Some materials filed in the Library or University may be PG or even PG-13, mainly because of intellectual and philosophical content. (These should be marked as you get to them.)

The Media Division of the ZDK (Shaddox) Foundation, P.O. Box 44, Underwood, WA 98651 U.S.A.

Phone: (509) 493-1674

E-Mail us at: zdkf@gorge.net

Filed: 6-7-99 . . . Updated 12-24-01