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KoReY Revival Articles - Star Engiftment

[KoReY Futuristic Shield] [Revival Flame Shield]


Accounts of Sci- Fi Powers Beyond E.S.P.

PENTECOSTALIM: Miraculous Gifts and the Future Charismatics

If you have read a fair amount of Science Fiction, as I have, then you are probably used to seeing various forms of E.S.P. used by wizards and magyck users in the many fanciful stories of the Future. And, if people who Believe in God are seen in such tales (though most frequently, they are not even depicted), they are presented as baffoons, fools, or crazy (and incapable of intellectual thought). Consequently, as I grew up, I developed a very Occultish, Dark Arts view of the world (as do many Fans of those Sci-Fi Powers).

However, once I was saved (and regenerated) in the Jesus Freak Movement (see previous Article), the LIGHT began to dawn on me that perhaps (?) God has Powers, miraculous gifts, far beyond these crude forms of E.S.P.? After all, if HE really was God, then HE should have the Power to work miracles, shouldn't HE? So, what about HIS followers?

[Revival Chapel Shield] Shortly after becoming STAR BORN (giving my heart to Christ or being born again--see previous Article), we were invited to an evening service at Chi Alpha House by some of the Jesus Freaks we had met. We arrived early to see what was going on and then as they were getting ready, one of the ladies there came over to me and said, prophesying: "You know, God has just shown me that you are going to get the Baptism of the Holy Ghost soon."

(The Who??? What???) "Huh???" I asked.

"Well, it is hard to explain, so we will have to sit down and study about it for the next couple of weeks and then you'll be ready to get it." Or, so it was thought . . .

Then, as the meeting began, and we were all singing praises to God, I felt something like hot honey (because it was warm and sweet) being poured all over my body. And, as this had begun, those around me broke into Singing in the Spirit (Singing in Tongues). But, most amazingly, I found my own mouth open and this most melodious singing coming out of it--and in a language that I had no idea what it was saying. (Now, if you have ever listen to this old bullfrog, here, sing, the fact that I was carrying a most melodious tune was a miracle in itself!)

Consequently, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that I had just been Baptized in the Holy Ghost!

But, what was that?

[Spiritual Engiftment Shield]


Well, this is a hot one! Theologians have debated this for centuries. And the modern churches have no end of controversy over it! However, the Holy Scriptues seem to be very clear on this issue. For, John the Baptizer very clearly said:

"I (John) indeed baptize you in water to repentance, but HE that comes after me is mightier than I--whose shoes I am not (even) worthy to bear; And HE shall BAPTIZE YOU WITH THE HOLY GHOST, and and with fire (spiritual energy)!" (John 3:10)

Consequently, being Baptized in the Holy Ghost was a common expectation held by most of Jesus' (or Y'Shua's) followers. And Christ (the Messiah) had these instructions to say about it:

"And, behold, I send the Promise-Of-the-Father upon you! Tarry you in the City of Jerusalem, until you are ENDUED (Engifted) WITH POWER (spiritual energy) FROM ON HIGH!" (Luke 24:49)

Thus, quite clearly there had been a Promise or Prophecy that there would be the Outpouring of some kind of spiritual power upon Christ's followers.

[Holy Scriptues Shield]

THE OUTPOURING - Promise Of The Father

This Promise had been given centuries earlier, that the Messiah would usher in a new era when Believers would be given miraculous gifts (sci-fi powers or Star Engiftment) by God. This is recorded in:

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I (God) will Pour Out MY Spirit upon all flesh; And your sons and daughters shall prophesy (give divine utterances), your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions! And also upon (your) servants and (your) handmaidens, in those Days, will I Pour Out My Spirit!" (Joel 2:28-29)

Nor was this just some obscure, forgotten Passage. For, Christ, HIMSELF, expounded upon this Teaching, saying:

"And these Signs shall follow (be among) those that Believe! In MY Name (Jesus) shall they cast out devils (demons); They shall speak with new (or unknown) Tongues; They shall take up (master) serpents (beasts); And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover!" (Mark 16:17-18)

So, is it any wonder that I say that God can and will give HIS followers spiritual powers (called GIFTS), that are far beyond the crude E.S.P. or base Sci-Fi Powers!

However, these are only for Believers (John 7:38-39), so you need to be sure that you are saved or regenerated (see previous Article), first (i.e. STAR BORN).

[Nordesel Unity Shield]


While there are a variety of means and methods, one that you can pursue right now is PRAYER. Yes, we can pray together right now, and see if God will not fill you to over flowing. Join with us and say the following prayer out loud (so that God will know that you agree with it).
Father God, I claim YOUR Promise to me, according to Luke 11:9-13, which says that if we ask of you the Holy Ghost that you will freely give it to us--and not give us something else as a substitute that is bad for us.

I profess that I believe in YOUR Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross, shedding HIS Blood to pay for my sins--as my death by proxy (and I thank you for Him).

I now renouce the Devil, his followers, and all of their wicked ways and command them, in Jesus' Name, to be gone from my life!

Instead, Heavenly Father, send YOUR precious Holy Ghost into my heart and life--to lead me and guide me in following the Ways that are pleasing to YOU.

And especially, I pray that you will Pour Out of YOUR Spirit upon me and give me the Baptism of the Holy Ghost--and Manifest some of YOUR Gifts in my Life, that I might use them to help others (and empower me supernaturally).

Now, that is a start. Perhaps you will get the Outpouring NOW? Then, again, it may come later. Perhaps you will need to pray again? (And, again?) Many do. And, it also helps to listen to some Spirit-filled music while you are praying for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost (I Samuel 10:5-6). In fact, in the old fashioned Tarrying Meetings, they would pray for awhile and then sing inspirational songs for awhile, on into the night, until the Spirit of God would fall on them (Luke 24:49). Perhaps that is what you will need to do, too? Well, people are individuals. And how one gets the Outpouring is often different from the other. The important thing is that you try. And, that you keep trying untill you get it.

[Praying Hands Shield]


One of the ways to get the GIFTS is to pray for them. Thus, prayer or communicating with God (usually making requests of HIM) is one of the ways to get miracles in your life! Consequently, prayer can also be good for other things. Isn't it about time that you understood more about prayer? Yes!!! So, follow the link, below:

To get PRAYER!!! (click here): [Prayer Course]

[ZDK Menorah Shield]


So, you would like some more information on the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? Well, we do have more details about it, in a variety of places. So, we put together a Directory of Engiftment Articles that we have here, in Our Web Site. You can find it in Our Revival Chapel, or follow the links below, if you want to know more:
To get ENGIFTMENT DIRECTORY (click here): [ENGIFTMENT Directory]

[K.R.Y. Interstellar Flag]

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Filed: 6-21-99 . . . Updated 11-26-01