10/30/03 - Due to the recent ROSNET changes, QuickDog now includes automatic program downloading, and GHAUTODL is not longer provided in the FULL PRODUCT version.  If you still wish to use GHAUTODL, you may do so, however, please do not send us questions regarding this product as we've replaced it by our own software built into QuickDog.

Note this HELP describes a product called "GHAUTODL" developed by Stephen Van Buren. If there are questions on its use, please contact Steve at sfvb@hotmail.com and mention QuickDog in the Subject line because Steve filters this email for junk mail.

GHAUTODL has already been downloaded to your computer IF you downloaded the "DOGS.EXE" Installation for your QuickDog FREE trial.  If you downloaded on a REVISION of QuickDog, then you should click on this link below to download the full version.


Once you install the QuickDog FULL VERSION, do the following:

1)  Exit QuickDog if it is Running.

2)  Start up QuickDog by double clicking on the QuickDog ICON - the Red/White/Blue Greyhound on your Desktop.

3)  Fill in your email address, if requested, then, click "I AGREE" to the License display.

4)  You will now see a "Learning QuickDog CheckList".  Everytime you start up QuickDog, you can use these steps to gather your data, then handicap.  Step 3 is "Download Today's Programs and Charts from your Tracks".   Click on the LEFT handed button, labeled "Download/Install/Use GHAUTODL Software and the GHAUTODL program will start.

5)  A help file will also pop up with directions on how to set GHAUTODL up for your tracks.  You may have to find that help file on your taskbar.  Look for "GHAUTODL.TXT - Notepad", and click on it.  Then read it for information on how to use GHAUTODL.  Its pretty easy and NOTHING is faster!

If for some reason, GHAUTODL doesn't work on your computer, please let us know what error messages you are receiving.  This will help us help other users.


This program lists all the tracks that QuickDog covers, then with one mouse click will automatically download the data for those tracks! It's the easiest way to get data from the
internet, and put that data into QuickDog!

You may follow Steve's work by following the HAWG Forum at Delphi.com.


Downloading Track Programs and Charts from the internet to QuickDog requires the user to download and save those programs/charts to their computer so that QuickDog can use them to handicap races for you.

All of this downloading and saving is done automatically 
using the GHAUTODL program.

When you start up GHAUTODL, you use its SETUP feature to select
the tracks you play. Then you tell GHAUTODL to DOWNLOAD! You just go have lunch or whatever.

Downloading and Installing GHAUTODL - QuickDog Version

Steve has been kind enough to package a version of GHAUTODL which includes all of QuickDog's tracks set up perfectly to allow you to
use GHAUTODL right out of the box for QuickDog!

1) Click Here - To download the GHAUTODL software to your computer.  this is a link to Steve's webpage for downloading and installing the GHAUTODL program.  Once you select the download file you wish, then you can follow the directions below.

2) Save this file to your DESKTOP.

3) After the download is complete, doubleclick the ICON that was just
created on your desktop. Follow the simple prompts, but MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE the FOLDER NAME from to "c:\jaidogs\ghautodl\".  This places the program in the location that QuickDog expects to find it.

4) After installation, click on the DOWNLOAD Menu Bar item of QuickDog, then click on GHAUTODL. Then Select "START GHAUTODL PROGRAM". GHAUDODL should start up for you if you installed it properly.

5) IF GHAUTODL fails because files are missing, try downloading and installing this file.  Then try GHAUTODL again.


Here's how to use GHAUTODL to DOWNLOAD programs/charts -

1) After GHAUTODL starts, click on SETUP.

2) Select TRACK SETUP.

3) All the QuickDog tracks are shown. To select the tracks you wish to
download, simply CHECK or UNCHECK the box next to that TRACK NAME. If a
check APPEARS in the box, then this track's data will be downloaded. If a
check DOES NOT APPEAR in the box, then this track will NOT be downloaded.


4) After "checking" the track boxes to select the tracks you wish to download, click the OK button located towards the bottom right corner of the display.

5) This window will disappear, and you will see your tracks listed on the
"download" display. Click "Start Download", and relax as your track 
data is transferred from the Internet to QuickDog's \jaidogs\inpfiles folder.

6) After you have downloaded the data, then close GHAUTODL, start QuickDog if necessary, go to the CONVERT Menu Bar item, and click CONTINUE with CONVERT.  QuickDog may already be displaying the CONVERT menu.  If it is, simply select CONTINUE with CONVERT.  QuickDog will then convert those files which you just downloaded into QuickDog program files.

7) QuickDog HELP provides other methods for downloading race data manually and semi-automatically.  But if you are successful at installing GHAUTODL, then this is by far the easiest method, and you should use it.  For the other methods of downloading the data, see the DOWNLOAD command on the Menu Bar and look at the HELP file there.

8) Getting help if GHAUTODL doesn't work for you - Steve's email address is: sfvb@hotmail.com - Mention the name QuickDog in your subject line as Steve does filter his hotmail.  If you feel these directions are not very good, then contact jai@gorge.net (Mike) and I will fix them to make them easier to understand.  However I can not answer GHAUTODL program questions.

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